21st APRIL 2024


    The Fourth Sunday of Easter


    A Prayer for Israel and Palestine

    God of peace and compassion,
    We pray for all impacted by the escalation in conflict in Israel-Palestine
    For all who are mourning
    For all who are fearful, today, and for what may lie ahead
    For all traumatised and re-traumatised by what they have experienced.
    Enable us to stand in solidarity with people of peace
    May your Spirit bring peace and healing to your troubled world


    A Prayer for Ukraine

    God of peace and justice, we pray for the people of Ukraine today. We pray for peace and the laying down of weapons. We pray for all those who fear for tomorrow, that your Spirit of comfort will draw them near to them. We pray for those with power over war or peace, for wisdom, discernment and compassion to guide their decisions. Above all, we pray for all your precious children, at risk and in fear, that you would hold and protect them. We pray in the name of Jesus, the prince of Peace. Amen.


    Verse for the week:

  • John 10 v14-15 I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the Father.



  • Jesus – the good shepherd – knows us. Through the good and the bad times, no matter what’s going on, no matter how far away from God we may feel, he knows us just as he knows God. We have a relationship with him that cannot be broken no matter what we do. How wonderful is that?



    HC: Acts 4.5-12: 1 John 3.16-end: John 10.11-18

    MP: Psalm 119.89-96: Nehemiah 7.73b-8.12: Luke 24.25-32

    EP: Exodus 16.4-15:  Revelation 2.12-17


    Collect for Fourth Sunday of Easter: 

  • Almighty God, whose Son Jesus Christ is the resurrection and the life: raise us, who trust in him, from the death of sin to the life of righteousness, that we may seek those things which are above, where he reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.  Amen

    Collect for Third Sunday after Easter (BCP): 

  • Almighty God, who shewest to them that be in error the light of thy truth, to the intent that they may return into the way of righteousness: Grant unto all them that are admitted into the fellowship of Christ’s religion, that they may eschew those things that are contrary to their profession, and follow all such things as are agreeable to the same; through our Lord, Jesus Christ.  Amen


    Sunday 21st April 2024 4th Sunday of Easter

    8am BCP Holy Communion St Mary’s Amersham

    9am Matins on Zoom

    9am BCP Holy Communion All Saints’ Coleshill

    10:30am CW Holy Communion St Mary’s Amersham  (Streamed from church)

    6pm BCP Evening Prayer St Mary’s Amersham  (Streamed from church)


    For all access details see below.


    In addition, the clergy team will livestream a short time of evening prayer on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at 6pm


    ANTHEM AND VOLUNTARY at St Mary’s Church:

  • Haec  Die (Arcadelt) & Improvisation



    YOUTUBE: Link for this Sunday: 10.30am this Sunday: https://www.youtube.com/live/5bJcQMSpNs0?si=OdJxQy814RzSEOjC                                       And for 6pm




  • Thank you to all who have responded so generously after Graeme’s overview of the financial situation for us as a parish last Sunday. We have been overwhelmed by how so many have come forward to support the mission of the church. If you missed Graeme’s talk – it can be found at the following link: https://youtu.be/7ctC2yDNNwE?si=UxDydo84e2tFCNju



  • If you would like to make a donation or catch up with planned giving and have online banking the easiest way is to make a BACS payment – please contact the Parish Office to get the details.



  • The Mini-steps parent & toddler group is back after the Easter break on Tuesday’s at the normal time of 1pm – 3pm.


  • will be held in the Broadway on Sunday 21st April 2024.




  • The Dr. Challoner’s High School choir will be hosting a service of Choral Evensong at St Mary’s Old Amersham on Monday 22nd April at 5pm. All are welcome!



  • If you would like to watch the memorial service for Bishop Alan held last Saturday at All Saints’ High Wycombe, please see the link below:




  • The Bishop of Oxford has said the following in relation to the appointment of the next Bishop of Buckinghamshire:


  • ‘Please would you keep this appointment in your prayers in the coming months, both privately and publicly. We are together seeking the person whom God is calling to this vital ministry in the life of the diocese and the area.

    This letter begins the process of initial consultation. Please see this letter as your invitation to comment on the needs of the area and the diocese. Please email or write to me in the normal way (bishop.oxford@oxford.anglican.org) and indicate if your comments are confidential to me or can be shared at some point with the wider group. This initial consultation process will end on 30 April. I will also be holding a series of meetings with the Area Deans, separately with the Lay Chairs and holding a number of other face-to-face consultations in Buckingham shire to listen to reflections. By all means feed your own insights into the process through the Area Deans and Lay Chairs. We are all continuing both to grieve and adjust to Bishop Alan’s death and for that reason there will be a second consultation day to check back with colleagues on Monday 10 June.’



  • is a Christian charity which has recently purchased the former St John’s Methodist church in Amersham up the hill, for use as a community resource hub. In order to establish what the local community would find useful, they have begun a 6 month period of consultation. They generally provide useful life skills – anything from teaching young people to cook to preparation for the job market, to teaching older people the basics of computer use – but are anxious not to duplicate services provided elsewhere e.g. by local churches, or to draw up a programme of activities which are not actually needed! Please go to the attached link to find out more and to complete the survey to say what you think. Restore Hope Community Hub Kathryn Ridout in the St Mary’s congregation works with Restore Hope if you would like to know more details.



  • Spring cleaning at St Mary’s will take place on 10th and 11th May, details to follow.




  • The APCM will be taking place at St Mary’s on Sunday 21st April at 11:45am (just after the 10:30am) service. At this meeting we appoint Church Wardens andPCC members. We also approve the accounts. This meeting is an opportunity to hear all that is going well in the parish, so please do come along! If you would like to read through the various reports, please see the document attached with the notices or go to the parish website.



  • We are currently putting the last finishing touches for the APCM in just under a weeks time. While this is an opportunity to celebrate all has happened across St Mary’s and All Saints’ it also an opportunity to look at the parish financial situation over the past year. At this APCM, we will be reporting a £10,000 deficit. The parish has not been immune to the rising costs of some of the basic necessities. As many have found, the cost of gas has meant our heating bill has been a huge factor in our current financial situation. As a PCC, we ultimately felt we first and foremost needed to let the congregation know – as we haven’t usually been so open about parish finances. It is sometimes awkward to talk about money, but we felt that the congregation would want to know so they could support the parish if they felt it was right for them. Graeme, our parish treasurer, will be at the 9am All Saints’ and 10:30am St Mary’s to talk briefly about our  to give a bit more detail to the above. Please do be praying for God’s provision in our parish – as this is so important as we look to do more to reach out to the community. There will be much to celebrate at the APCM, and we want that to continue! If you have any queries about the parish finances please do speak to Graeme or Jonny.



  • Do contact any of the clergy for a chat by phone, facetime or Zoom about anything that is concerning you. Time we have!



    SUNDAYS 9am Morning Prayer (BCP) Zoom: Please apply to Rev Tim Barnard for meeting joining details, see the contact list below.

    10.30am Holy Communion and Evening Prayers log in via the codes listed



  • is to take part in streamed services from the Diocese of Oxford. Going to https://www.oxford.anglican.org/livestream/ will give you both the link to the streamed service and the download of the service order. The Eucharist can also be watched on demand.



    For those who are sick: Roy Evans, Barbara Furse, Andrew James, Ellen Maulder.

    For your ongoing prayers at home: Pam Atkinson


    Monday                     22nd     evening          DCHS Choir rehearsal

    Tuesday                     23rd     1-3pm            Mothers and Toddlers

    Thursday                    25th     4-8pm            Amfest set up

    Friday                         26th     all day            Amershal Festival

    Saturday                    27th     all day            Chorleywood Choral Society

Rev’d Jonny Rapson Rector 01494 724426 rector@amershamwithcoleshill.org

Jonny’s day off is Friday – please only contact him then in an emergency.

Rev’d Tim Barnard Hon Associate Rector 01494 728478 timbar_uk@yahoo.co.uk

Tim’s days off are Tuesday and Thursday – please only contact him then in an emergency

Rev’d Sue Gill Hon Assoc Rector 01494 451485 susangill01@gmail.com
Rev’d Michelle Fotherby Assistant Curate 07973 921714  Michelle’s day off is Friday Michelle.fotherby@amershamwithcoleshill.org                              
Sheila Shield Reader 01494 571766 smshield@aol.com
David Skinner Churchwarden 01494 431652  mvf4312r@gmail.com
Valerie Simmonds: Churchwarden 01494 724693 valeriesimmonds@btinternet.com
Petrina Clackett Churchwarden 01494 433044    petrina.clackett@coleshill.net
Jane McNeilly: Churchwarden 01494 726736  janemcneilly@yahoo.com 
Graeme Coles Treasurer  07703 963990   Treasurer-pcc@outlook.com
Clare Atkinson Planned Giving – both churches: stmarysgiving@btinternet.com
Simon Hollett Children’s Workerstmarysamershamkids@gmail.com 07926 575851
Steve Poulson Mission Partner 07783 506692 steve@streetkidsdirect.org.uk
Parish Office Dorothy Potter. Church St, Amersham. Bucks. HP7 0DB

01494 729380                        stmarys.amersham@btconnect.com

Safeguarding officers for the Parish

Clare Samuels:  07966 425206 clare@noiinclare.co.uk.

St Mary’s website:  www.stmaryschurchamersham.com
Coleshill website:  www.coleshill.org/village-life/all-saintschurch.html