Information for Newcomers
If you are thinking about coming along to a service for the first time at St Mary’s or All Saints, you will be very welcome, with or without faith, whatever your background. We are friendly but also aware of the need to give people space.
Sometimes people come after many years away from the Church, often when something changes in their lives. Perhaps you now have children and want them to experience what you had as a child: Sunday School and being part of a church family. Or maybe you are going through a difficult time and you want somewhere to try and make sense of it. You may be at a time in your life when you are asking big questions, such as how you want to live the rest of your life, whether there is any meaning, or why there is suffering. Whatever the reason, many of us have found St Mary’s to be helpful in various ways, whether through the beauty of ritual and music, through prayer, through the sense of a sacred space in the building itself, or through friendship and community. We hope you do too.
St. Mary’s Amersham
If you haven’t been to church before, or for many years, there is no need to worry as you will be guided through the service and told when to stand up and sit down. If you have very young children, there is a soundproof crèche where you can still hear the service. (There is also a Sunday School ) There isn’t a dress code and you can sit wherever you like! There is coffee after the main 10:30 service if you want to get to know people (and sometimes after some of the other services too).
If you have any questions about either of the church communities, do email or phone the Parish Office (01494 729380). (This includes questions about baptisms, weddings and funerals.)
Before Covid we held several events for newcomers each year such as an evening in the church with wine and a guided historical tour from the Rector; coffee mornings; and trips to the pub.
More information from the Parish Administrator, who can be contacted via the Parish Office.
We hope you will visit us soon!
All Saints, Coleshill
All Saints’ is very much a “Village Church”. It is open to all and welcomes all. Its activities reflect and enhance the life of the village both at special times of the year and on a day-to-day basis. It is always open during daylight hours for those who wish to sit in quietness in respite from this busy world.
All Saints’ Church is set on the top of the hill where it can be seen from all points of the village of Coleshill and from which there is a huge view of the surrounding countryside. It has dominated the village since it was built nearly 150 years ago, following public demand during the previous two centuries. Before All Saints’ was built people had to walk across the fields and down the hill to St Mary’s in Amersham which was, and remains, the Parish Church.
All Saints’ has always been the centre of the village. It is surrounded as by the Village School, the Village Pond, the Village Hall and the Village Pub – the Red Lion – so the village has the educational, environmental, social, and spiritual needs of its people within a few yards of each other. The Church has a particularly close connection with the Coleshill C of E Infants’ School, where the Rector and a member of the Church Committee sit as Governors.
Coleshill, unlike many other small villages (the population of Coleshill is only about 600), is fortunate in having a service of worship every Sunday morning. This is always a Communion Service but in order to accommodate the varying views and wishes of the congregation this alternates between the traditional service from the Book of Common Prayer and the modern service from Common Worship. It is held at 9am every Sunday, except for Remembrance Sunday when the service commences at 10am and finishes at the war memorial in time for the two-minute silence.
In addition to the morning services, there is also an evening service on the first Sunday of each month which is attended by worshippers from across the Parish. The music at all services is led by a choir and the evening service, which is always sung, is sometimes a full choral evensong.
The Rector, or one of his Associate Rectors, comes up from Amersham to take the services. The administration of the Church is in the hands of two Church Wardens and the Church Committee which meets four times each year and has 4 representatives on the Parochial Church Council (PCC). It is at the PCC that issues about the church life of the whole Parish, including Coleshill, are discussed and decided.
Inevitably, with such a small population the congregations are small but they are enthusiastic and there is a band of helpers who take on the tasks of caring for the church and enhancing the worship. The floral decorations, especially at festival times are a feature and we have, on several occasions, held popular flower festivals.
Visitors, passing through the village, who look in at the church appreciate the fact that, unlike so many others, it is open during the day, every day of the week and they always comment on how well it is kept and what a warm atmosphere it has. The neat and tidy churchyard is also much enjoyed.
The activities of the church are not confined to Sundays. The Magpie Club provides Christian teaching for pre-school children, there are tea parties for the elderly and there is a team of volunteers who visit those who are sick, housebound, lonely or bereaved. A party to welcome those who are new to Coleshill is organised in alternate years.
The Church supports Christian Aid and many local charities and has set up charitable giving, in conjunction with St Mary’s, – these support both overseas charities as well as local charities/good causes.
9am Holy Communion
Book of Common Prayer – 2nd & 4th Sundays
Common Worship – 1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays
6pm Evensong – 1st Sunday only
You can download the full All Saints Church – Introduction for Newcomers booklet here.
This parish is committed to the safeguarding, care and nurture of the children, young people and adults in our church community. The parish Safeguarding Policy can be seen here. Further information and contact details are on our Safeguarding page.
St. Mary's Amersham:
Church Street, Old Amersham, Bucks HP7 0DB
t: 01494 729380