This parish is committed to the safeguarding, care and nurture of the children, young people and adults in our church community.

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
The Parochial Church Council (PCC) takes seriously its responsibility to protect and safeguard the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults. This Policy and Procedures applies to all who have received the Bishop’s Licence or Permission to work and all others who work with children, young people, and vulnerable adults in our Parish.
Safeguarding concerns can be reported by speaking directly to the Parish Safeguarding Offers (PSOs) below, or by submitting this form.
Clare Samuels
07966 425206
Steve Johnson
01494 722230
To contact the Diocese of Oxford Safeguarding team:
Call 01865 208 295 or email for urgent safeguarding concerns Mon-Thurs 9am-5pm and Fri 9am-4.30pm.
You can also contact your local officer:
Buckinghamshire interim contact Louise Whitehead, Head of Safeguarding – 07391 868478
Safeguarding Policy and Procedure
St Mary’s Amersham with Coleshill Policy-on-Recruitment-of-Ex-Offenders
Report a Concern
Lone Working Policy May 26th
Appendix 1a Activity Risk Assessment May 2021
Appendix 1 Risk Assessment Flow Chart
Appendix 2 Safeguarding for organ lessons and choir practice May 26th 2021
Appendix 3 Lone-working-1 Diocese of Oxford
This parish is committed to the safeguarding, care and nurture of the children, young people and adults in our church community. The parish Safeguarding Policy can be seen here. Further information and contact details are on our Safeguarding page.
St. Mary's Amersham:
Church Street, Old Amersham, Bucks HP7 0DB
t: 01494 729380