St. Mary’s Flower Group

St Mary’s has an active team of enthusiastic, skilled, flower arrangers. We provide arrangements for regular weekly services as well as whole church displays for the major Christian Festivals e.g. Christmas, Easter etc.
Our team is always pleased to welcome new members, and we welcome both novice and experienced flower arrangers to join us at any time of the year. Flowers are provided and we can offer help for beginners. Arrangements are usually done on a Friday and we operate a rota to enable arrangers to choose how much time they would like to commit, which may be as little as once or twice a year. All you need to bring is a pair of scissors/secateurs and your enthusiasm!
Would you like to join us? If so, and you are interested in finding out more please contact Jane Partridge, the Co-ordinator of the Flower Group, by email:
Details of the various options for Wedding Flowers we can offer, and also about our Workshops and Festivals are given in separate sections further down this page. Please scroll down for further information.
A sample gallery of arrangements for key Church Festivals (e.g. Christmas, Easter, Patronal (St. Mary’s) and Harvest), and to Commemorate National Events e.g. Coronation Day, Remembrance) is immediately below. Scroll to the bottom of the page for a full gallery of our most recent seasonal team arrangements.
Our experienced and enthusiastic team of Flower Arrangers also love to create pedestal arrangements, both modern and traditional, for weddings. No charge is made for our time, only a fair charge per pedestal to reflect the cost of the flowers. We are unable to provide bridal bouquets or button holes as part of this service, though we can provide a posy to decorate the table for signing the registers.
For further information about costings and arrangements, and to ensure flowers are ordered in time and to avoid disappointment, please discuss your flower requirements at least a month in advance with the flower co-ordinator Mrs Jane Partridge by email:
A sample gallery of arrangements we have provided for previous couples is below:
Our flower team organises a regular Charity Flower Festival held on average every five years with our regular volunteer arrangers for the Church being joined by guest arrangers to install stunning pieces of floral art in every corner.
The latest Festival, held in September 2023, was inspired by the theme “For the Beauty of the Earth”. Funds raised from visitor donations, raffle tickets and the sale of programmes and refreshments raised £1600 for each of two local charities chosen by the arrangers: BBOWT (Bucks, Berks and Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust) and Liberty’s Legacy (a special fund of the Bone Cancer Research Trust in memory of local teenager Liberty Schurer). Liberty was known personally to several of the arrangers’ families, who were pleased to honour her memory by including her favourite butterflies amongst the arrangements.
We also hold occasional floral workshops, and mini-festivals, where we encourage those with flower arranging experience or none to join us to learn new techniques and then share our work with visitors. The most recent workshop for flower rota members and guests was held in February 2024 to share ideas for using foam-free mechanics for arrangements. We also supported a community workshop for foam-free Christmas table arrangements in December 2024.
The gallery below shares some images taken from our Flower Festivals and Workshops.
In this section of the website, we enjoying sharing some of our most recent group work for the major Church festivals. Please enjoy our gallery of decorations made by the team for Christmas 2024 below:
This parish is committed to the safeguarding, care and nurture of the children, young people and adults in our church community. The parish Safeguarding Policy can be seen here. Further information and contact details are on our Safeguarding page.
St. Mary's Amersham:
Church Street, Old Amersham, Bucks HP7 0DB
t: 01494 729380