Pastoral Care & Outreach

The Church provides Pastoral care for our local community. If you need to talk or would like a home visit, please call our ministry team.

Some of the Pastoral care we provide includes:

  • Visits to Hospital.
  • Services at Rushymead Care Home
  • Home visits for the sick or terminally ill.
  • Bereavement Support
  • Praying for those in need.
  • Helping with any questions about faith or the Church.

You may just need to talk to someone in complete confidence about a personal or family crisis, we will always listen and help if we can.

The clergy team led by the Rector are available for visits and email or phone conversations regarding loss, stress and difficult life experiences. If you, your family or friend would like a visit from a member of clergy please call the Parish Office 729380

Hospital visits

The clergy can visit people in hospital when possible, usually by arrangement with the hospital chaplain. If you know of anyone who has been admitted to hospital or who is seriously ill at home please let us know. Visits are also made to the housebound and those in residential care. We would rather be told repeatedly than not at all. Their names can then be added with their permission to the weekly prayer list.

Holy Communion

Clergy take Holy Communion, to those who are housebound. Please email the Parish  Office   if you, or someone you care for, would like the Sacrament brought to their home.



This parish is committed to the safeguarding, care and nurture of the children, young people and adults in our church community. The parish Safeguarding Policy can be seen here. Further information and contact details are on our Safeguarding page.

St. Mary's Amersham:

Church Street, Old Amersham, Bucks HP7 0DB

t: 01494 729380

All Saints Coleshill:

Coleshill, Amersham HP7 0LJ

t: 01494 729380