


18th August 2024

 The Twelfth Sunday after Trinity

 A Prayer for Israel and Palestine

God of peace and compassion,
We pray for all impacted by the escalation in conflict in Israel-Palestine
For all who are mourning
For all who are fearful, today, and for what may lie ahead
For all traumatised and re-traumatised by what they have experienced.
Enable us to stand in solidarity with people of peace
May your Spirit bring peace and healing to your troubled world

A Prayer for Ukraine

God of peace and justice, we pray for the people of Ukraine today. We pray for peace and the laying down of weapons. We pray for all those who fear for tomorrow, that your Spirit of comfort will draw them near to them. We pray for those with power over war or peace, for wisdom, discernment and compassion to guide their decisions. Above all, we pray for all your precious children, at risk and in fear, that you would hold and protect them. We pray in the name of Jesus, the prince of Peace. Amen.

Verse for the week: 1 Kings chapter 3 verse 7

And now, O Lord my God, you have made your servant king in place of my father David, although I am only a little child; I do not know how to go out or come in.

Thought for week:

Even as King David’s successor, Solomon felt overwhelmed! It was as if he had regressed to childhood and was having to learn everything from scratch. But God equips us for anything he asks of us and, if we ask him, will be beside us every step of the way.


HC: 1 Kings 2.10-12; 3.3-14: Ephesians 5.15-20: John 6.51-58

MP: Psalm 106.1-10: Jonah 1: 2 Peter 3.14-end

EP: Exodus 2.23-3.10:  Hebrews 13.1-15

Collect for the Twelfth Sunday after Trinity: Almighty and everlasting God, you are always more ready to hear than we to pray and to give more than either we desire or deserve: pour down upon us the abundance of your mercy, forgiving us those things of which our conscience is afraid and giving us those good things which we are not worthy to ask but through the merits and mediation of Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. AMEN.

Collect for the Twelfth Sunday after Trinity (BCP): Almighty and everlasting God, who are always more ready to hear than we to pray, and art wont to give more than either we desire or deserve: Pour down upon us the abundance of thy mercy; forgiving us those things whereof our conscience is afraid, and giving us those good things which we are not worthy to ask, but through the merits and mediation of Jesus Christ, thy Son, Our Lord.  AMEN.


Sunday 18th August 2024 12th Sunday after Trinity

8am BCP Holy Communion St Mary’s Amersham

9am Matins on Zoom

9am BCP Holy Communion All Saints’ Coleshill

10:30am CW Holy Communion St Mary’s Amersham (Streamed from church)

6pm BCP Evening Prayer St Mary’s Amersham

For all access details see below.

In addition, the clergy team will livestream a short time of evening prayer on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at 6pm


SUNDAYS 9am Morning Prayer (BCP) Zoom: Please apply to Rev Tim Barnard for meeting joining details, see the contact list below.

10.30am Holy Communion and Evening Prayers log in via the codes listed:

Link for this Sunday 10.30am:

This Sunday 6pm

ANOTHER OPTION is to take part in streamed services from the Diocese of Oxford. Going to will give you both the link to the streamed service and the download of the service order. The Eucharist can also be watched on demand.


Hymn 279 and Now, O Father & Fantaisie (Saint Saëns).

SUMMER TALKS: While many are away over the summer period, we are putting together some online summer talks for everyone to access far and wide. The third talk can be found here:

ALL SAINTS’ CHURCH CLEAN & CHURCHYARD CLEAR UP: Many thanks indeed to the 18 volunteers who came to help us last Saturday. We worked hard and in great spirit, and the result was a sparkling and spider-free church and a very tidy churchyard.

CONNEX COMMUNITY EVENT: On Thursday 22nd August at 11am, St Mary’s is teaming up with Connex which is a charity that provides community events across the Chiltern’s and London. The event will include a quiz and refreshments, and the Mayor of Amersham will also be attending. This will be a great event for as many of us to support and attend as possible, so please do come along! For any more info, please speak to Jonny.

YOUNG PEOPLE (aged 11-16): The next get together is on 27th August at 2pm. Please message Michelle on 07973 921714 or email for further details.

ARTISAN MARKET: This monthly event will be held on the Broadway this Sunday.

BRICK FEST 2024: In October half-term we will be holding a number of brick events for families and adults as part of our outreach to the community. We will be holding these events on Tuesday 29th & Wednesday 30th October 2024 at St Mary’s Church. There will be several 2 hour sessions for children and families to enjoy the church space and get creative with building. We will also have a ‘beer & bricks’ event for adults on Tuesday evening. If you would like to be part of the team planning these events, please contact Jonny at We will be asking for ‘on the day’ volunteers nearer the time, but please do speak to Jonny if you would like more info.

☆ CHILDREN’S CHOIR Summer Course 2024 ☆: Join us at one of our fun and friendly Children’s Choir courses. This year, our Children’s Choir courses will have a sports theme in celebration of the Paralympic and Olympic Games. Children’s Choir – Vache Baroque Monday 19 – Friday 24 August, 10am – 3pm At the Vache, Chalfont St. Giles, HP8 4SD

MINISTEPS PARENT & TODDLER GROUP: The St Mary’s parent and toddler group has now finished for this academic year. The first session back will be on Tuesday 10th September at the usual time of 1pm.

SCAM EMAILS: Once again scam emails have been doing the rounds pretending to be members of the church team. The often come from false emails – so when responding to emails appearing to be from anyone on the team, do always check the actual email address not just the name

CHILDREN’S PARTY: Free party – Harvest Tuesday 3rd September. Email to book your place, or to offer help

A PASTORAL CHAT: Do contact any of the clergy for a chat by phone, facetime or zoom about anything that is concerning you. Time, we have!

DONATIONS TO ST MARY’S AND ALL SAINTS’: If you would like to donate or catch up with planned giving and have online banking the easiest way is to make a BACS payment – please contact the Parish Office to get the details.


For those who are sick: Roy Evans, Andrew James, Don Nivens.

For your ongoing prayers at home: Pam Atkinson

For those who have died: Derek Haslam


Saturday       17th     11am                        Renewal of vows

1.30pm                    Wedding

7-9pm                       EBSB Bellringing Meeting

Thursday      22nd    11am-1pm               Connex community event

Friday            23rd     2pm                       Wedding

Saturday       24th     2.15-3.30pm           Visiting bell ringers


Rev’d Jonny Rapson Rector 01494 724426

Jonny’s day off is Friday – please only contact him then in an emergency.

Rev’d Tim Barnard Hon Associate Rector 01494 728478

Tim’s days off are Tuesday and Thursday – please only contact him then in an emergency

Rev’d Sue Gill Hon Assoc Rector 01494 451485
Rev’d Michelle Fotherby Assistant Curate 07973 921714                                                  

  Michelle’s day off is Friday                              

Sheila Shield Reader 01494 571766
David Skinner Churchwarden 01494 431652
Valerie Simmonds: Churchwarden 01494 724693
Chris Suttie Churchwarden  07775 522769
Jane McNeilly: Churchwarden 01494 726736
Graeme Coles Treasurer  07703 963990
Clare Atkinson Planned Giving – both churches:
Simon Hollett Children’s 07926 575851
Steve Poulson Mission Partner 07783 506692
Parish Office Dorothy Potter. Church St, Amersham. Bucks. HP7 0DB

01494 729380              

Safeguarding officers for the Parish

Clare Samuels:  07966 425206

St Mary’s website:
Coleshill website: