Music is an important and integral part of our worship within our ancient space. With its wonderful acoustic, St Mary’s Amersham is frequently used as a place for community music making within a wide variety of genres. Music at services plays the role of helping people to pray. By allowing people time and space to reflect upon their lives and the words that are sung, it helps us get beyond those words to communicate the mystery of God in a way that is beyond our knowing.
The choir of St Mary’s helps to lead and support the worship of the Church through music at the 10.30am Sunday service, Choral Evensong held monthly, on Feast days and on other special occasions. The St Mary’s choir is mixed voice choir, who sing a wide range of repertoire from across the centuries. We are very fortunate to have a comprehensive, evolving library, allowing the weekly anthem at the Sunday Eucharist service to reflect the time of the church’s year.
Our Choir Practice is held on Wednesday evenings in the church from 7.30 – 8.30pm, where we enjoy high standards of music making within a friendly, welcoming atmosphere. Children are encouraged to work towards the RSCM Voice for Life Chorister Award scheme, under the guidance of the Director of Music. Young choristers will find singing in the choir offers an opportunity to build friendships, take on responsibilities, as well as developing their overall musicianship.
New Members to the Choir are made very welcome within this very friendly group. If you interested in joining the choir please speak to the Director of Music, Edward McCall who can be contacted after the Sunday service or through the Parish Office.
Date | Hymns | Setting | Anthem | Voluntary | Organist |
Sunday 1st September
368 All My Hope
87 Hail to the Lord’s Anointed 97 Lord Jesus, Think on Me 538 O Jesus, I have Promised |
Thorne |
Hymn 97 |
Alle Breve (Bach) |
Edward McCall |
Sunday 8th September Patronal Festival
362 Tell Out, My Soul
557 Praise to the Holiest 501 Light of the Minds 468 I Danced in the Morning |
Thorne |
God be in My Head (Rutter)
Toccata (Mushel)
Edward McCall |
Sunday 17th September
369 All People
427 For the Healing 346 O Christ, the Healer 534 O For a Thousand Tongues |
Thorne |
Mary’s Magnificat (Carter) |
Processional (Matthias)
Edward McCall |
Sunday 22nd September
270: Come Ye Thankful People Come
273: Praise, O Praise our God and King 272: Praise and Thanksgiving 262: O Lord My God |
Thorne |
Give us the Wings of Faith (Bullock)
Improvisation |
Edward McCall |
Sunday 22nd September
(Evensong) |
268: Timeless Love
16: Hail Gladdening Light |
Psalm 119 (137-152)
Dyson in D Ayleward Responses
Cantique de Jean Racine
(Faure) |
Prelude in E Minor
(Bruhns) |
Edward McCall |
Sunday 29th
September Harvest Sunday |
275 We Plough
270 Come, Ye Thankful 258 Lord of Beauty 272 Praise and Thanksgiving |
Thorne | Thou Visitest the Earth
(Greene) |
Allegro Risoluto
(Whitlock) |
Edward McCall |
This parish is committed to the safeguarding, care and nurture of the children, young people and adults in our church community. The parish Safeguarding Policy can be seen here. Further information and contact details are on our Safeguarding page.
St. Mary's Amersham:
Church Street, Old Amersham, Bucks HP7 0DB
t: 01494 729380