15th DECEMBER 2024   

     The Third Sunday in Advent


                                                       A Prayer the Peoples of Israel, Palestine and Lebanon                                                      

  • God of peace, compassion and justice, we pray for all who are suffering from the current conflicts in the Middle East. We commend to your love and care all who are mourning, the widowed and the orphaned; the frightened children and those whose ways of life have been destroyed; the injured, the hungry and homeless, and all who live in fear of what the next hour or day will bring. We pray that even in these conflicts there will be compassion and humanity for the innocent, and that you will raise up those who have the authority to bring about peace for the good of all your people. We ask that your Holy Spirit will show us how we can help these people in their needs. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

    A Prayer for Ukraine

    God of peace and justice, we pray for the people of Ukraine today. We pray for peace and the laying down of weapons. We pray for all those who fear for tomorrow, that your Spirit of comfort will draw them near to them. We pray for those with power over war or peace, for wisdom, discernment and compassion to guide their decisions. Above all, we pray for all your precious children, at risk and in fear, that you would hold and protect them. We pray in the name of Jesus, the prince of Peace. Amen.


  • Verses for the week:

  • Zephaniah 3: 14 Sing aloud, O daughter of Zion; shout O Israel! Rejoice and exult with all your heart, O daughter Jerusalem! Philippians 4: 4 Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say, Rejoice!

    Thought for the week:

  • Despite their differing circumstances (Zephaniah had seen the death of his king and downfall of Jerusalem, Paul was in prison), Paul and Zephaniah both held confident in their faith in God, knowing He was with them and would never let them down. Their faith helped them overcome their circumstances. As we draw closer to Christmas and the end of the year, we too might feel troubled; the world seems a perilous place. But we can also rejoice, our God is steadfast and will be beside us no matter what happens around us!


    Readings for The Third Sunday in Advent

    HC: Zephaniah 3.14-end: Philippians 4.4-7: Luke 3.7-18

    MP: Psalm 12,14: Isaiah 25.1-9: 1 Corinthians 4.1-5

    EP: Isaiah 35: Luke 1.57-66

    Collect for The Third Sunday of Advent:

  • O Lord Jesus Christ, who at your first coming sent your messenger to prepare your way before you: grant that the ministers and stewards of your mysteries may likewise so prepare and make ready your way by turning the hearts of the disobedient to the wisdom of the just, that at your second coming to judge the world we may be found an acceptable people in your sight; for you are alive and reign with the Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. AMEN

    Collect for the Third Sunday of Advent (BCP):

  • O Lord Jesu Christ, who at thy first coming didst send thy messenger to prepare thy way before thee: Grant that the ministers and stewards of thy mysteries may likewise so prepare and make ready thy way, by turning the hearts of the disobedient to the wisdom of the just, that at thy second coming to judge the world we may be found an acceptable people in thy sight, who livest and reigneth with the Father and the Holy Spirit, ever one God, world without end. AMEN

    Sunday 15th December 2024 the 3rd Sunday of Advent

    8am BCP Holy Communion St Mary’s Amersham

    9am Matins on Zoom

    9am CW Holy Communion All Saints’ Coleshill

    10:30 CW Holy Communion St Mary’s Amersham (Streamed from church)

    6pm BCP Evening Prayer St Mary’s Amersham (Streamed from church)

    For all access details see below.

    In addition, the clergy team will livestream a short time of evening prayer on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at 6pm

  • ANTHEM AND VOLUNTARY at St Mary’s Church:

  • Lord, We Beseech Thee (Batten) & Improvisation

  • YOUTUBE: Link for this Sunday:

  • 10.30am this Sunday:          https://www.youtube.com/live/z5b0KzgT5_c?si=PNIaNgRZP8wS6Tvw  and for 6pm https://www.youtube.com/live/NEVc4JnNqpY?si=Ym0gUOU8ecxlqhpf


  • The St Mary’s parent & toddler group will be having their Christmas party on Tuesday 17th December! We will have lots of Christmas themed crafts, a nativity story and mince pies!


  • The monthly Old Amersham market will taking place on Sunday 15th December so the Broadway will be closed for the day


    2. has 2 Foundation Governor vacancies. If you are interested, please speak to Jacqui Rouse, Chair of Governors at Jrouse@stmarysce.bucks.sch.uk.

  • 🎄🎄 ADVENT TRAIL 🎄🎄:

  • We are creating a stunning Advent calendar with a twist – as you might have seen on social media, a new beautiful decorated window is being revealed somewhere in the parish each day. On 19th December there is a chance to take a guided tour and see every window – and the route has been revealed! See details of options on the attached poster – routes to suit all walking abilities, and refreshments are provided along the way…  For more information please speak to Becky (becky.knee@outlook.com), Jenna (jennastapleton@icloud.com), or Sophie (sophieschmal@gmail.com)

    👑👑 EPIPHANY ‘Bring & Share’ LUNCH 👑👑 12.30pm Sunday 5th January 2025

    You are all invited to join in our lunch at St. Mary’s church. Sign up sheets will be available from next week. Everyone is welcome.


  • Most of us do like to be present for one of the Christmas Day services in church, either for Midnight Mass or for one of the morning services. But for those who can’t manage that, for mobility or other reasons, there is an alternative here: half an hour of traditional Morning Prayer worship will be on Zoom at 9 am on Christmas morning. If you would like to take part on line or via smart phone, please contact Revd Tim Barnard (details below) beforehand, and he will send you details for joining.


  • Christmas is not always an easy time for everyone, so if you would like to receive or extend an invitation for Christmas Day lunch, please do be in touch with Jonny.


  • for the life of Marigold Curling will take place at All Saints’ Church on Monday 23rd December at 2pm. All welcome.


  • If you, or anyone you know, would like communion brought to them at home on the run up to Christmas, please do be in touch with Jonny.


  • We would be grateful if members of the congregation could make some mince pies – please let Val or David know.

    YOUTH CHRISTMAS PARTY 3.30pm Sunday 15th December

  • – join us in Church rooms for games, food & fun. Speak to Michelle 07973 921714 for further details.

    Please join us at The Red Lion, Coleshill on Friday 13 December between 6 and 7pm to sing Carols in aid of the Samaritans. We look forward to seeing you there.


  • Please note that the planned giving envelopes for 2025 are now available for collection at St Mary’s. If you would like a set of planned giving envelopes please do let me know: stmarysgiving@btinternet.com. Many thanks for your continued support.  Clare Atkinson


  • We are delighted that our soloist this month is our very own Director of Music, Edward McCall. A virtuosic performer, Edward will be demonstrating the full range of the organ housed at St. Mary’s, featuring works by Bach, Handel, Guilmant and Rutter. All to be enjoyed along with coffee, cake and chat. £10 per ticket (payable on the door).


  • We will be holding an Advent course on Thursday morning’s at 10:30am, starting 28th November, in the church rooms. We will be looking at Isabelle Hamley’s Advent book, ‘Embracing Humanity.’ Purchasing a copy of the book is not a requirement for the course! We are also exploring whether to hold an evening course – if you are interested, please speak to Jonny.



  • Thank you to all those who have started to donate via the crates in church to food.gives, a charity that sends food directly to persecuted and suffering Christians across the world. Click on this link to learn more about where your donations go. https://youtu.be/0_-yqZO3c3M


    A DATE FOR YOUR DIARY: On Monday 20th January 2025

  • 10am – 12 noon, we will be holding our annual All Saints’ Church Flower Fund Coffee Morning in the Village Hall.


  • Do contact any of the clergy for a chat by phone, facetime or zoom about anything that is concerning you. Time, we have!


  • If you would like to donate or catch up with planned giving and have online banking the easiest way is to make a BACS payment – please contact the Parish Office to get the details.


    SUNDAYS 9am Morning Prayer (BCP) Zoom: Please apply to Rev Tim Barnard for meeting joining details, see the contact list below.

    10.30am Holy Communion and Evening Prayers log in via the codes listed


  • to take part in streamed services from the Diocese of Oxford. Going to https://www.oxford.anglican.org/livestream/ will give you both the link to the streamed service and the download of the service order. The Eucharist can also be watched on demand.


    For those who are sick: Roy Evans, Andrew James, Daphne Stillingfleet.

    For your ongoing prayers at home: Pam Atkinson

    For those who have died: Marigold Curling, Christopher Hollett



    Saturday          14th      10am                           Café Recital

    3pm-7.30pm               EBSB Bellringing

    Monday           16th      5-9.30pm                     Heatherton Singers

    Tuesday           17th      morning                      DCHS rehearsal

    1-3pm                          Mini Steps

    7pm                             DCHS Carol Service

    Thursday         19th      9.30-11.45am              St Mary’s School rehearsal

    Friday              20th      9.15am                        St Mary’s School Carol Service

    1.30pm                        Echor Music – evening concert

    Saturday          21st      from 1.30pm               South Bucks Choral Society


      Rev’d Jonny Rapson Rector 01494 724426 rector@amershamwithcoleshill.org

      Jonny’s day off is Friday – please only contact him then in an emergency.

      Rev’d Tim Barnard Hon Associate Rector 01494 728478 timbar_uk@yahoo.co.uk

      Tim’s days off are Tuesday and Thursday – please only contact him then in an emergency

      Rev’d Sue Gill Hon Assoc Rector 01494 451485 susangill01@gmail.com
      Rev’d Michelle Fotherby Assistant Curate 07973 921714                                                    Michelle’s day off is Friday         Michelle.fotherby@amershamwithcoleshill.org                              
      Sheila Shield Reader 01494 571766 smshield@aol.com
      David Skinner Churchwarden 01494 431652  mvf4312r@gmail.com
      Valerie Simmonds: Churchwarden 01494 724693 valeriesimmonds@btinternet.com
      Chris Suttie Churchwarden  07775 522769   chrissuttie@btinternet.com
      Jane McNeilly: Churchwarden 01494 726736  janemcneilly@yahoo.com
      Graeme Coles Treasurer  07703 963990   Treasurer-pcc@outlook.com
      Clare Atkinson Planned Giving – both churches: stmarysgiving@btinternet.com
      Simon Hollett Children’s Workerstmarysamershamkids@gmail.com 07926 575851
      Steve Poulson Mission Partner 07783 506692 steve@streetkidsdirect.org.uk
      Parish Office Dorothy Potter. Church St, Amersham. Bucks. HP7 0DB

      01494 729380                        stmarys.amersham@btconnect.com

      Safeguarding officers for the Parish

      Clare Samuels:  07966 425206 clare@noiinclare.co.uk.

      St Mary’s website:  www.stmaryschurchamersham.com
      Coleshill website:  www.coleshill.org/village-life/all-saintschurch.html

