Date Hymns Setting Anthem Voluntary Organist
Sunday 4th June

Trinity Sunday 

275 Alleluia, Sing to Jesus

108 Glory be to Jesus

309 Let All Mortal Flesh

585 The Church’s One Foundation 

Thorne Ave Verum 


Eb Prelude, BWV522


Edward McCall 
Sunday 11th June


487 Jesus, good above all other

416 Father, hear 

411 Dear Lord and Father

557 Praise to the Holiest 

Thorne The Secret of Christ




Edward McCall 
Sunday 18th June 628 Ye That Know

400 City of God

368 All My Hope

516 Love Divine  

Thorne How Beautiful Upon the Mountains 


Concerto in A Minor BWV 593


Edward McCall
Sunday 25th June 159 The Strife

338 My God Accept

557 Praise to the Holist 

81 Lord for the Years

Thorne O, For a Closer Walk 


Improvisation  Edward McCall 
Sunday 25th June


11 As now the sun’s

466 How shall I sing

Reading Responses

Canticles: Noble in B Minor 

Psalm 46

Greater Love




Edward McCall